Head of Design
Vela is a set of tools that help sellers connect their INVENTORIES from different ecommerce channels and manage it in a single place.

The brand
Vela in LATIN means "sail". In any SENSE We've build the tool to help navigate business. We reflected that in the brand and identity. Ram logo symbolises "charging" and being persistent.



I have built Community center entirely in Webflow with our development team integrating it with Vela AUTHENTICATION in order to let user login and vote with their existing accounts. This task was quite difficult considering that webflow wasn’t built for this level of complexity.
Visit community centerProduct
Vela design system is a set of atomic components ORGANIZED in sketch cloud. The system is easily ACCESSIBLE by CONTRIBUTORS and management at all time while BEING backed up PERIODICALLY. For every user story we create separate user flows and animate complex interactions where NECESSARY.

Multi shop connect
Create new listings
Variation profiles
Photo editor
Bulk edit listings
Cross-CHANNEL copy
Photo library
Visit Vela
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